Don't send me a private copy of list-mail

Amedee @ Ubuntu amedee-ubuntu at
Tue Jul 14 08:50:41 UTC 2009

On Tue, July 14, 2009 10:36, Oliver Grawert wrote:

> i'm personally totally with you and hate that this is the one list in
> ubuntu land thats misconfigured (though luckily the munging still
> respects the reply-to-list function of my MUA so its not actually in my
> way), but users wanted it like this back then and the CC decided on the
> apparent majority of requests ...

Oh please.
WHY do people have this discussion on EVERY Linux-related mailinglist that
I am subscribed to?
Just use reply-to-list and be done with it. Evolution has it out of the
box, and Thunderbirdies only need to install

The next person that rants about misconfigured mail headers will get a
honorable mention in my .procmailrc. Srsly...


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