What's a script?

Steve yorvik.ubunto at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 13 14:20:17 UTC 2009

On Mon, 13 Jul 2009 15:02:52 +0100, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at gmail.com>  

> Hash: SHA1
> Steve Flynn wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Siggy Brentrup<ubuntu at psycho.i21k.de>  
>> wrote:
>>>> What if the first line of the script is
>>>> #! /bin/ksh
>>>> indicating that the following commands should be interepreted by the
>>>> Korn Shell. Should it still be referred to as a "bash file" even if
>>>> the script relies on specific builtin commands only implemented by the
>>>> Korn shell?
>>> Though correct, I think this doesn't clear things up for the OP.
>>> Since the early days of Unix[tm] files containing commands interpreted
>>> by the shell (usually /bin/sh) were called "shell scripts". I just
>>> can't recall if the term is already used in the faumous '70 article in
>>> Bell Journal.  </nitpick>
>> I cmpletely agree. I've used the term shell script since I was first
>> introduced to a VT-52 terminal around 1981. Calling a collection of
>> commands a "bash file" is a misnomer which is what I was attempting to
>> point out to K. F. Larsen.
> 	The term bash file comes from the similarity of it to a Windows bat
> file. Both are executable and they do a useful thing but not a large
> thing. I discovered the bash language to be superior to the Windows
> version.
Bash = Bourne Again Shell

Bash is a Unix command interpreter (shell).  It is an implementation of
the Posix 1003.2 shell standard, and resembles the Korn and System V

Bash contains a number of enhancements over those shells, both
for interactive use and shell programming.  Features geared
toward interactive use include command line editing, command
history, job control, aliases, and prompt expansion.  Programming
features include additional variable expansions, shell
arithmetic, and a number of variables and options to control
shell behavior.

Bash was originally written by Brian Fox of the Free Software
Foundation.  The current developer and maintainer is Chet Ramey
of Case Western Reserve University.
> 	Just a question. You were using a form of Unix in 1984. Linux came a
> bit later.
> 73 Karl
> - --
> 	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
> 	Linux User
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