Unable to successfully download the file

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jul 12 22:26:48 UTC 2009

On 07/07/2009 12:38 PM, Paul G. Bardotz wrote:
> I have tried twice to down load the file.  Each time it took over three
> hours to do so.  At the end it tells me that the download was
> unsuccessful.
> How else can I get the program or how can I successfully down load the file.

Assuming you mean the Ubuntu .iso; use bittorrent.


Even more options

    * Text based “alternate installer” installation disk
    * Bit Torrent <=== this one
    * The Windows based “Wubi” installer
    * DVD images containing additional languages


You can buy or request a free CD:

Alternately; you can contact the local New York Ubuntu group:
and ask for assistance.

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