
ankit raj ankit_raj2006 at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 12 17:40:28 UTC 2009

Hello dear why u need 5.1

install ubuntu 9.04 

it's good working 

i am use all system ubuntu 9.04



that's good dear 





chandu lal





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From: koitechsa at telkomsa.net
To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: ubuntu
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 15:44:51 +0200

 I am trying to install ubuntu 5.1 from a cd I purchased onto my 2nd hard drive that had Win xp pro on. When it starts to configure the dhcp it cant find anything, when I continue further it won't accept my Ip add and when I go past that it says its unable to install initrd tools and then stops.
Can you pls assist as I am eager to get started.
Thanking you
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