Operating System emulator

Bhavani Shankar R bhavi at ubuntu.com
Sun Jul 12 17:36:19 UTC 2009

On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 11:01 PM, MirJafar Ali <mirjafarali at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,


> I am using ubuntu and for the graduate course in Advanced Operating
> Systems, I am exploring
> some OS emulator, but got thoroughly confused after google search.

   We are here to help... Dont worry :D

> Can someone suggest which is the best options for OS emulator ( at least
> for graduate studies).
>     Which OS you want to emulate?

Bhavani Shankar.R
https://launchpad.net/~bhavi, a proud ubuntu community  member.
What matters in life is application of mind!,
It makes great sense to have some common sense..!
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