LVM on installed system in new hardware a problem?

Siggy Brentrup ubuntu at
Sun Jul 12 15:57:24 UTC 2009

On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 17:01 +0200, Joep L. Blom wrote:
> I yesterday got my new system (ASUS MAN78 PRo DDR2 + AMD PHENOM II 810) 
> and as Gary assured it would work with an HD on which Hardy is installed 
> without a problem (video is accounted for).
> I decided not to migrate two other disks in the old system (too small) 
> but they contain LVM partitions.

args, IIRC you didn't mention that in your previous postings. Fearing
you have striping enabled spreading logical partitions over several
physical disks - in the worst case some stripes on your 1TB disk -
you've got aproblem :).

> My question: what is the best way to copy the contents of the LVM 
> patitions to the new system (to a 1 TB disk).

Last week I saw a 1TB external USB drive at a discounter for mere
99€. You might copy your data onto such an external drive on the old
system while the big drive is still in your old box.

> The problem is a little bit of a chicken and egg problem. When I 
> transfer the hard disk with hardy to the new system, I can't run the old 
> system any more and I can't use the network to do it.
> Of course I could try and use Ubuntu-on-a-stick (see below) but my desk 
> is too cluttered to allow another screen and keyboard.

If you're comfortable with the CLI, open a terminal ssh'ing to the other
box.  Works like a charm :)

> An unrelated remark:
> When I fetched the system from the local vendor I had an USB-stick with 
> Ubuntu 9.04 with me. To test the system I put it in this machine (look 
> at the motherboard) and for the amazed eyes of the vendor and a 
> technician the system started (fast) without a hitch and ran flawlessly!

Nice story

tot ziens (from my memory, I hope it's correct)
Please don't cc: me when replying on the list.
or:                    bsb-at-psycho-dot-i21k-dot-de
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