Problem with Google Mail and Ubuntu

Carl Friis-Hansen ubuntuuser at
Sun Jul 12 14:47:00 UTC 2009

On Sun, July 12, 2009 06:20, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Carl Friis-Hansen wrote:
>> Postfix can only *send* mail.
> That's a rather odd assertion.  Postfix certainly _does_ receive mail.  It
> listens on port 25 (usually) and the interfaces you specify.  If you only
> allow localhost, then essentially it only sends mail.  But if it listens
> on
> an Internet-connected interface, then it can indeed receive mail.

You are right, but what I wanted to say with the statement is that Postfix
do not provide an in interface to actually receive your email from
wherever the end-station might be.  For that one normally need an
application that can go directly, via the file system to the local mail
folders, or a two tier system with IMAP/POP server and a usual email
I have a feeling that we both know that we are right, based on the
viewpoint  :-)
                           Carl Friis-Hansen
                           Phone: +46 372 15033

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