How to make VLC scan all Analog TV channels and record programmed

Michael Weller gibbsnich at
Sat Jul 11 17:24:03 UTC 2009

I'd recommend Kaffeine for that purpose. It has very well integrated
tv support. Switching channels and saving the stream to a file works
very well for me for quite some time. As far as I know vlc does not
support switching of channels. You would have to use a separate tool
to control the channels, vlc then streams the selected channel..


2009/7/11 Dr G S Kumar <gskumar1948 at>:
> Hi,
> I am new to Ubuntu. I wanted to use VLC for displaying and Recording TV
> programs in all channels transmitted through my Analog cable TV. I have
> installed Pinnacle card saa7133 and able to view the same through TVtime but
> can’t record. Hence I tried to install VLC. It gets installed but shows only
> one channel. Any forward or backward command does not show any new channel.
> However, If I activate TVtime and switch to another channel and deactivate
> it and then go for VLC I get that new channel(only one) but not the old! How
> to make VLC to scan all channels and make it record programs? I am in India
> gave option as PAL, of course it also takes by default PAL.
> Please help me to solve this problem.
> Kumar
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