Problem with Google Mail and Ubuntu

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Sat Jul 11 12:04:03 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Leonard Bussey wrote:
> I am running Ubuntu and have been using Google webmail for my email
> client.  I also sometimes use Evolution to access the mail via IMAP.
> Starting a couple of days ago, I cannot log onto Google webmail.  It
> keeps on asking me for my username and password.  I can however still
> access the email via Evolution using the same username and password.  

	It sounds like your keyboard or something is wrong. When your reading
mail on gmail, you do need to send your name and password at least once
and that is on Firefox. I let firefox save my name and password so I can
reach gmail logged in. Just looked at my gmail and it is fine.

> Does anyone know if the website is broken?

	It is not broken.

  Also could I possibly have a
> virus or spyware?  If it is a virus or spyware, are there linux versions
> of an antivirus/antispyware programs?

	Relax, problems with Ubuntu are always simple errors made by us.
> Thank you for any help or advice you can give me
> Len
	Check your memory for the name and password. You might have inverted a
couple of letters or numbers.

73 Karl

- --

	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
        Key ID = 3951B48D

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