OT Chrome OS next year

Graham Todd grahamtodd2 at googlemail.com
Thu Jul 9 13:19:25 UTC 2009

On Thu, 9 Jul 2009 09:46:26 +0200
Siggy Brentrup <winnegan.ubuntu at ewetel.net> wrote:

> > All in all, this looks like a Win-Win situation to me.  
> Excuse me if I disagree.
>   Siggy

Of course you're entitled to disagree, but this looks like a way of
getting the * concept * of Open Source software more widely accepted.
However, unless its released under a GPL-like licence, with these
freedoms intact:

* The freedom to run the program,for any purpose.

* The freedom to study how the code works, and adapt it for your needs.

* The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your friends and

* The freedom to improve the code, and release your improvement to the
  public, so that the whole community benefits.

the software cannot be called free software, because "free" in this
context means "unfettered" and is a matter of freedom, unrestricted by
the licences under which software is released. Unless these freedoms
are explicitly preserved, the code and the source code (if it is
released) will do nothing to advance the cause of FOSS (Free Open Source

I have read nothing about which licence will be in place to enable its
use, so everything is conjecture at this stage, but it will be a
non-starter for me until I know.  I might just as well go off and
install jNode as an fully free alternative to Linux, using the LGPL

Graham Todd

"I believe in equality for everybody.  No matter how stupid they are or
how superior I am to them." - Steve Martin

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