OT Chrome OS next year

james mcm jamesmcm03 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 09:22:23 UTC 2009

I'm really worried that the shift to web applications might leave Free
Software in the dust, sure we have the AGPL but  it's barely used and so we
start miles behind our proprietary competitors.

Sure it might seem nice that Google is contributing a new Windowing System
but keep in mind that they are not a Free company (GTalk for example is
proprietary), and this might be a push to web applications - which they will
still retain the source code for. Read  The Javascript
Trap<http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.html>- when I first
read it, I thought it wouldn't be an issue for years, but now
I think Stallman must be a clairvoyant.

(Sorry if I did it wrong, this is my first time replying to a mailing list)
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