OT Chrome OS next year

Siggy Brentrup winnegan.ubuntu at ewetel.net
Thu Jul 9 07:46:26 UTC 2009

On Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 12:35:11PM +0530, Raseel Bhagat wrote:

> But just because "GOOGLE" decides to offer it's own Distro, the
> world is sitting up and taking notice.

> However, I then reaslised, as someone mentioned earlier, this will
> probably be good for Open source software acceptance.

Oh yeah, in order to be DFSG compliant, authors may not limit use of
their work and hence the whole OSS community will get involved in data
mining - googles primary business.

> And who other than Google to pull such a thing off. Suddenly,
> millions of people will come to know about the concept of open
> source software and thousands of geeks from "the other side" will
> start poking around and contributing to code.

> All in all, this looks like a Win-Win situation to me.

Excuse me if I disagree.
Please don't cc: me when replying on the list.
or:                    bsb-at-psycho-dot-i21k-dot-de
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