Fish Wont Connect To Other PC Using Konq

David Fox dfox94085 at
Thu Jul 9 03:02:27 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 11:56 PM, Leonard
Chatagnier<lenc5570 at> wrote:

> With the help of the attached screen shot, I hope someone may tell me why I
> can't connect from Intrepid to Hardy machines  whether I use samba, dolphin,

Go with something low level first. What do you get when you try to
just ssh to the other computer? Is the ssh server running on the
machine you want to connect to? You might want to add some debug flags
and paste some of the output.

If you can ssh, you should be able to use other protocols to connect.

> Leonard
thanks for letting me change the magnetic patterns on your hard disk.

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