1GB Trash. Permission denied.

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Wed Jul 8 22:39:04 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:

>> (Note: Dotan, you snipped the attribution for the text you replied to.
>> I know you didn't write the "Out of curiosity..." section, but I don't
>> know who did so I can't fix it.  Please try to make sure you are
>> properly attributing quoted passages in your posts to the list.)
> i had several users ask that they not be quoted such, for fear that
> their email addresses would get harvested. Apparently TFA obfuscate
> email addresses in the header, but not in the bodies.

Then I'd recommend you reconfigure your mail client - it's usually possible 
to make them use an attribution line of your choice.  Once in a while, 
somebody sends emails that are themselves so broken that KMail can't make 
out what the user name is, without including the whole address, but really 
that's the OP's problem, not yours.

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