OT Chrome OS next year

Carl Friis-Hansen ubuntuuser at carl-fh.com
Wed Jul 8 15:57:48 UTC 2009

On Wed, July 8, 2009 17:27, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> 	I noticed on the financial page that Google is going to offer a new
> operating system called Chrome which it hopes will give Microsoft some
> competition in 2010. It is an open code development so you can just d/l
> the system like we do with Ubuntu.
> 	My how things change.
> 73 Karl

I think Chrome OS is a browser, sorry.
I have used it now and then and it is faster.  However, it could be
because it is somewhat down to the bare bones at the moment.

                           Carl Friis-Hansen
                           Phone: +46 372 15033

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