Rsync problem

Rashkae ubuntu at
Tue Jul 7 13:04:12 UTC 2009

jiten jha wrote:
> Dear friends,
>                  I have a problem in Rsync utility . I done this
> 1> open terminal login super user.
> 2> ssh-key -t rsa
> 3> /root/.ssh/

If that was really your input, then you would have generated two files, and  That's no good.  make sure you only
specify /root/.ssh/id_rsa, that will automatically generate the pub file
as well (remember, certificates work in pairs, the private key and the
public key.)  Also note that that ssh will refuse to use the keys if
permissions on the files are wrong.

chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 700 /root.ssh

> 4> scp -r root at root at

Not really sure why you are using a network address as your source here.
Presumably, what you want is

scp /root/.ssh/ root at

> 5> cat >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

The public certificate needs to be copied/appended to authorized keys on
the remote computer, not the computer you are connecting from. First
login as root on the remote:

ssh root at
cd /root/.ssh
cat >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

*Note* the >> means to append a key to an existing authorized_keys file.
 However, if you only one this one remote login to work then it might be
best to replace any authorized_keys file that is already there.

cp authorized_keys

> 6> vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
> 7> PermiRootLogin = yes

Again, this step must be run on the remotes.  However, if you were able
to scp to root on, then it probably already is permitting root

> 8> Run this command rsync -r -v -a -e ssh/home/souce computer/
> root at name /Desktop
> when i follow that setps then it is asking root password .
> Plz help me to solve that problem. I searched on google but not getting
> solution.

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