Add/Remove program Ubuntu Linux

Bill Marshman bill.marshman at
Sat Jul 4 20:34:39 UTC 2009

I liker the Add/Remove feature available in Ubuntu, hoeever,  all too often
the description of available applications are frequently redundant.  The
first lines of the description are in bold type which is usually a good
summary,  the followin lines are usuall sim,ply the same text without the
bold emphsdid.

* Leafpad
Leafpad is a simple GTK+ based text editor, the user interface is similar to
Notepad. It aims to be lighter than GEdit & KWrite, and to be as useful as
them  *
Leafpad is a simple GTK+ based text editor, the user interface is similar to
Notepad. It aims to be lighter than GEdit & KWrite, and to be as useful as

Ubuntu is stiving to capture the MS Windows market and as one recent convert
I would suggest as little more verbose information on available applications
would be helpfull.

Bill Marshman
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