No good CD-Rom copy software

Rashkae ubuntu at
Mon Jul 6 13:35:18 UTC 2009

Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> On Mo, 2009-07-06 at 21:54 +1000, Res wrote:
>> ... it points to 
>> the debian maintainers beong the stuborn ones, (oh my, what a surprise 
>> there ........ not LOL)
> well, i doubt either Eben Moglen as an independent licensing expert, nor
> the license lawyers employed by the FSF are actual debian
> developers ... 
> but both declare distribution of the software not legal ... doesnt that
> tell you someting ? 
> ciao
> 	oli

I think there's lots of finger pointing whichever way you look at it.

This whole mess could have been avoided from the very start if debian
maintainers had simply agreed to Joerg's request that modified versions
of cdrecord be forked properly rather than patches added to his code.
Even if there is disagreement on how the GPL is interpreted in this
regard, it would have been a simple enough courtesy, if nothing else.

(See, for example, Icedrake instead of Firefox, for the exact same reason.)

Of course, Joerg can clean the mess up himself the same way.  Bring the
code back to GPL compliance (or what most everyone else things is GPL
compliance besides him and Sun), rename the app to something
trademarked, and restrict modified versions from using that trademark.

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