1GB Trash. Permission denied.

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Mon Jul 6 13:19:50 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:

> You need to purge the applications, not remove them, to erase those
> files. From TFM for apt-get:
> remove
>     remove is identical to install except that packages are removed
> instead of installed. Note the removing a package leaves its
> configuration files in system. If a plus sign is appended to the
> package name (with no intervening space), the identified package  will
> be installed instead of removed.
> purge
>     purge is identical to remove except that packages are removed and
> purged (any configuration files are deleted too).

I might be wrong about purge, but I think even files in ~/.config would
stay behind.  Keep in mind that configuration files stored in the user
home directory are not installed with the package (those are in /etc
directory) but are instead created on the fly when the user runs the
application.  If purge were to try to remove those files, the package
would need to include a "search and destroy" script in post-uninstall,
which would probably be considered somewhat dangerous.

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