Wireless network fails to take me beyond my router

Rei Shinozuka shino at panix.com
Sun Jul 5 03:05:33 UTC 2009

see if you can ping an external IP number like (google)

if ping fails, it's a routing thing, your default gateway on your laptop 
should  point to the IP of the router.  netmask shouldbe

if you can ping it, you might have a problem with your DNS, and therefore
cannot resolve names like "yahoo.com."  your DNS server
should point to the router's IP, whose cache should be set to external
servers when it connects to your provider's IP.


On Jul04 22:48, Peter N. Spotts wrote:
> Folks,
> I've just come across something I've never experienced: I have a laptop
> connected to wifi. And I can assess the router settings with it, which
> means the laptop and router clearly are communicating. But when I bring
> up a browser and try to open a web page on the internet, I get an
> "address not found" error in the browser.
> I'm using a Linksys WRT54G-TM router. 
> Two other laptops going through the same router via wifi are currently
> getting onto the web with no problem.
> Any thought on how to tackle this one?
> With best regards,
> Pete 
> -- 
> Peter N. Spotts | Science reporter
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Rei Shinozuka shino at panix.com
Ridgewood, New Jersey

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