Shutdown loses unsaved OOo document changes

Stephen stephen_o at
Sat Jul 4 18:01:09 UTC 2009

Mike McGinn wrote:
> On Saturday 04 July 2009 01:18:51 pm Stephen wrote:
> >
> > I've used windows for thirty years and it never asked me if I want to
> > save work during shutdown. When I clicked on the shutdown that is what
> > it did.
> > Stephen.
> Was not aware that Windows was around in 1979. Did it run on an HP-85?
> -- 
> Mike McGinn
> No electrons were harmed in sending this message.
> My deeds are my dearest companions. I am the beneficiary of my deeds.
> My deeds are the ground on which I stand.
> "more kidneys than eyes!" "Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit."
> Registered Linux User 377849
I may have exaggerated a little. My first computer was in early eighties 
a commodore 64.

Since then I was with MS dos and all kinds of Windows as they came out.

I was also incorrect about when windows shuts down. It did ask if I 
wanted to save the MS word doc, so I tried it on Ubuntu 9.04. Ubuntu 
9.04 asked during shutdown if I wanted to save an Open Office Doc.

Stephen Oulton.

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