Lachlan Musicman datakid at
Fri Jul 3 03:06:41 UTC 2009

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 00:39, Tom Sparks<tom_a_sparks at> wrote:
>> 2. I simply cannot get the "rotating cube" thing
>> working under Compiz Fusion. Is this just because the
>> graphics card is too wimpy? Anyone had any luck with that?

Yeah, compiz-fusion is generally considered a no go on the eeepc.
Plus, if you are using Maximus (which I, on the whole, recommend) you
get problems with C-F

Should be noted that the url I sent last night about the wireless
driver was actually pretty poor (I've spent all morning fixing it :)

ANYWAYS, go to the ralink page, grab the
latest driver, follow the instructions in the README_STA and you will
be fine :)


"I'm in IT and we generally know how to use the interwebs like superheros." - AF

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