News Reader Question

Jay Daniels jaydanie at
Fri Jul 3 02:03:08 UTC 2009

Mark C. Miller wrote:
> I'm running Ubuntu Client 9.04.  For my newsreader I chose "pan"; I'm 
> hoping there may be other "pan" users that can answer a question/solve a 
> problem.
> Whenever there is a reply to an article, the quoted text is missing and 
> is filled with the notice "< [quoted text muted]".
> This makes it very difficult to follow the discussions.  I'm trying to 
> discern the question from the subject line and the context clues of the 
> response -- not the best way of doing things.
> 	1.  Is this a function of "pan" and is there a preference that 
> can be changed.
> 	2.  Does anyone have a recommendation for a newsreader for use in 
> Ubuntu that might better serve my needs than "pan" does?
> tnx in advance
> mcm

I thought nntp died years ago.  Replaced by web forums (along with 
mailing list) in which the moderators have somewhat control over. 
idiots killed the news servers.

dead protocols:  nntp aka news, gopher, archie, plain text telnet 
(except for local servers), and others?

plain static html sites are almost dead.

I recommend you use firefox to read mail from a news to web gateway 
site.  I think it will be much faster.

nntp going down in the history books with aol!



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