Lachlan Musicman datakid at
Thu Jul 2 12:22:32 UTC 2009

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 15:46, madunix<madunix at> wrote:
> let me start a thread about EeePC, because am gonna buy one
> Which system you have, the 701, the 900, 901, etc etc...
> What do you have in it (OS)?
> List up your Software encyclopedia for you Eee!
> Other issues such as Power Saving, Function Keys, Performance?
> Any recommendations regarding the Operating system?

I am using the 1000H and have upgraded from eeebuntu to jaunty net
book remix quite happily.

eeebuntu was good for pre jaunty due to poor driver support, but that
seems to have been solved now.

i had a few problems with the wireless, but you can find heaps of info
on the forums, this being the best so far:
note that it's a little out of date - the new version of the driver is
up to, you need to run the make command from
/2009_0424_RT2860_Linux_STA_V2.1.1.0 not the one listed, plus, you
should run sudo make  && sudo make install for it to work error free.
Note that fully up to date I am running the 2.6.28-11 kernel - this
driver makes it into the 2.6.29 kernel, so it wont even be an issue

apart from that, it works a dream

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