The Perfect Storm, I mean Theme ;)

sktsee sktsee at
Wed Jul 1 22:08:07 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-07-01 at 16:31 -0400, Jay Daniels wrote:
> You know, I have tried many themes, but non seem to please me and I 
> always go back to the original Human in hardy.
> Now, I want a different color to match colors at noaa weather site since 
> I use that gdm login theme.
> Blue but not blue like blubuntu, that's too blue - ugly blue.
> What are my options I have already searched gnome art and the other 
> sites.  I like colors on nws weather site.
> I have seen all the macOSx theme hacks, don't like that sort of thing, 
> but at least they got the color match down pat.
> How can just change the Human title bar colors???
> Is there an easier way (tools) to create the theme I want beside 
> changing currently installed themes?

Take a look at the gnome-color-chooser package.


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