BIOS settings for Thinkpads using Ubuntu

techlists at techlists at
Sat Jan 31 22:08:32 UTC 2009

But I did eventually get Ubuntu installed; it's running off the hard disk and it's still randomly, and frequently, freezing. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wade Smart" <wadesmart at> 
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at> 
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2009 4:58:22 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: BIOS settings for Thinkpads using Ubuntu 

techlists at wrote: 
> I just recently bought a refurbished Thinkpad T41 laptop off the IBM 
> website and intended to configure it for XP/Ubuntu dual boot. The 
> laptop worked fine and ran stable with anything related to Windows (XP 
> and I also tried Vista), but had frequent random freezes with anything 
> related to Linux (the Ubuntu install CD and a Helix live CD). 
> I did eventually get Ubuntu installed with the install CD but it still 
> keeps freezing up at random moments; it does not seem to freeze up at 
> anything specific. 
> I let memtest run all night to check for faulty memory (no errors), and 
> ran through all the IBM PC Doctor hardware tests (under XP) to see if 
> there were hardware errors with anything (again, no errors). 
> I've had a great experience in the past with some older Thinkpads under 
> similar setups (dual boot Windows/Linux) so this is kind of puzzling. I 
> don't think there's any faulty hardware involved because of the hardware 
> tests run, and the fact that everything works fine under Windows (unless 
> there's some weird problem that slips under the radar on these 
> diagnostic programs).. 
> So I'm wondering if there's some BIOS settings that need to be tweaked 
> to make things work more smoothly under Linux. On older BIOSs there used 
> to be a setting for non-Windows OSs, but this Thinkpad BIOS didn't have 
> such an option (that I could find anyway). 
> Anyone have a suggestion? I've got 7 days to return for a refund if I 
> can't resolve it, so there's still another few days to troubleshoot the 
> problem. 
> Paul 

20090131 1557 GMT-5 

Paul i have a R50e and had the same trouble at first. It was the cd I 
burned. It worked fine on other machines but not that laptop. I finally 
just went to the alt install cd and it worked. 


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