Ubuntu 7.10 on Ultrasparc T2 based system (Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 server)

J K Rai jk.anurag at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 25 14:55:56 UTC 2009


We seek guidance/suggestion/help if it is possible for you to provide.

We have been trying installing Ubuntu 7.10 on Ultrasparc T2  based system (Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 server) since long time.

But the installation hangs in the beginning itself. We searched on net for the same but could not succeed.

we install and run Ubuntu 7.10 on Ultrasparc T2  based bare system (Sun
SPARC Enterprise T5220 server) or does it require one to configure
logical domain on machine (i.e having hypervisor on machine and install
and run Ubuntu 7.10 as a guest OS).

Any suggestion / guidance in this regard will be of great help to us.

Thanking you,
With regards,

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