What software to use

Mark Pyles markfpyles at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 04:58:21 UTC 2009

Hi Rashkae:

Your suggestion worked beautifully! Thank you.

Rashkae wrote:
> Chris Mohler wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 5:49 PM, Mark Pyles <markfpyles at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone:
>>> I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 (gnome desktop) Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop. I was
>>> hoping someone might be able to help me with trying to find or know of a
>>> program that will allow me to convert a .jpg or .jpeg to a pdf? Thank you!
>> A better question is why you are using PDF format for an image?
>> Anyway - this looks pretty straightforward:
>> http://userstories.blogspot.com/2007/11/convert-image-to-high-quality-pdf-redux.html
>> You will need to use GIMP or ImageMagick to save it as TIFF first...
>> Chris
> Assuming this is just a short job and not something that needs to be a
> batch process.
> Why not simply insert the image in a Open Office word document and
> export to pdf?
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