Ubuntu 8.4 problem

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Fri Jan 30 00:28:43 UTC 2009

Chris Mohler wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>    A simple way to solve this is to load Windows and dual boot with
>> Ubuntu. It is easier than trying to run Wine or a Virtual Box.
> Um - I think the opposite.

I'd say Virtual Box is a tad more difficult to set up than a dual boot (but 
_only_ a tiny bit, and well worth it in the end).

Wine, I completely agree, is dead simple.  Now, for some _applications_, the 
configuration under Wine can be a complete pain in the arse...  (I spent 
_weeks_ getting ies4linux working - but that was at least 2 years ago, no 
idea how it is now), but for those applications that do work under Wine 
without tweaking, it's trivial.

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