hide/remove gnome-panel?

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Thu Jan 29 23:47:56 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 16:59 +1800, Chris Mohler wrote:
> > This method calls for removing gnome-panel entirely (not sure if that
> > is indeed a  problem when updating):

I very much doubt that it is a problem. Removing it will remove the
ubuntu-desktop package, as is often the case when removing core gnome or
ubuntu stuff. However, this poses no problem as long as one makes sure
to reinstall ubuntu-desktop prior to upgrading to the next release. The
recommended upgrade method (using Update Manager) will take care of this

> > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=652367
> Oops - but 'killall gnome-panel' no longer works either - it respawns....messy.

The whole gnome session stuff has changed in 8.10 due to the new gnome
version. It's also why session saving does not work in 8.10. I would
think the functionality was moved elsewhere and I just can't find it
(gconf-editor didn't turn up anything, either). Or it's just another
incompleteness in the new gnome session implementation and will return
(possibly in some other form) later. The ability to respawn or not
certain entries is quite important, IMHO

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