Ubuntu 8.4 problem

Karl Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 22:17:22 UTC 2009

Chris Mohler wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
>>> Karl,
>>> Of course it can be done, Grandmaw Linda who already has a nice Ubuntu
>>> installation in her computer and is happy with it could install Windows
>>> after Linux but:
>>>     1 - She would have to repartition her HD.
>>>     2 - As Windows messes with Grub she would have to reinstall Grub.
>>> It doesn't seem so easy.
>>> Compared to this Wine ou even Vbox are piece of cakes.
>>> L.
>>    Do you have either working well? I think your just trying to be a pain.
> Karl,
> I use virtualbox every day.  Not every other day, not once in a while
> - every day.  It's absolutely painless to set up, and I run many
> high-end graphics programs - while running Ubuntu at the *same time*.
> It even works well with multiple monitors - so I am typing this in
> Ubuntu while the other monitor displays Illustrator inside an XP VM.
> I've dual (and triple, quadruple) booted systems for years, and it's
> certainly my opinion that wine (or a VM if wine does not work) is
> easier to set up, and *much* easier to use long-term than a dual-boot
> system.
> Now if Linda responds with what software she wants to use to do the
> embroidery editing, we can give her more informed advice as to the
> easiest solution to her problem ;)
> Chris

    I agree. I went to the Wine home page and they say today Wine is 
still experimental and not recommended for general use.

    I have zero experience with virtualbox but remember a thousand 
messages about trouble getting them to work as well. Don't you need to 
have a Windows partition loaded to use this?


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