printing via serial to usb cable

Nils Kassube kassube at
Thu Jan 29 06:56:16 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Wade Smart wrote:
> > And I can print as I said a few posts back:
> > wadesmart at wadesmart:~$ sudo echo "Printer Test" > /dev/ttyUSB0
> >
> > That will sent a job to the printer but you have to manually press GO
> > on the printer to get it to print. However, that is not very
> > efficient.
>     Press GO on the printer? This is unusual since all my printers both
> Laser and ink jet just work and have no GO button. On my old Brother
> Laser it has a button to start the printer for instance, after you run
> out and add more paper.

If you would just try Wade's command you need to press the page feed 
button on your printer as well. That is the same for every printer, even 
your old Brother Laser. Obviously you didn't understand what was going 

>     In any case the button has nothing to do with your cable problems I
> guess.

Yes, that is correct - but AFAIK nobody suggested that the button had 
anything to do with the cable problem.


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