FLOSS equiv to pearnote ?

James Tappin sjt at star.sr.bham.ac.uk
Wed Jan 28 17:29:39 UTC 2009

On Wed, 28 Jan 2009 11:50:11 -0500
Brian McKee <brian.mckee at gmail.com> wrote:

BM> Pearnote is an OSX app I just heard about that records audio/video
BM> while simultaneously running a text editor.
BM> The nifty part is that your note taking is put on a time line with
BM> the audio/video - so when you rewind the video it shows you where
BM> you where typing, and vice-versa.
BM> Seems like a great concept for taking notes at meetings etc.
BM> Anybody heard of something like this available for linux/FLOSS ?

I don't know exactly what it does, but there is a tool to make a video
of screen activity in KDE4. (It may only be in the 4.2 PPA stuff, I only
noticed it after that update yesterday, but then again given the bizarre
selection rules in adept for 4.x that may just be I didn't happen to hit
on it before).

| James Tappin           | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__    |
| sjt at star.sr.bham.ac.uk | University of Birmingham      | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722                  |         |

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