hi there, all!

Gilles Gravier gilles at gravier.org
Tue Jan 27 07:48:02 UTC 2009

64 bits doesn't give you "better computation power". It gives you more
addressing space. That's all.

The price you have to pay is that for every operation you tend to have
to move around twice the amount of data than with 32 bits. Sometimes
this can actually have a negative impact on performance. (I've seen this
happen, often.).

Unless your compilers are VERY smart, going 64 bits will slow you down
as a negative impact, but that's often not an issue if you really need
the extra addressing space (like in seismic computation which I
mentionned before, where the data sets are huge).


Haseeb ul Hasan wrote:
> Thanks Giles. But, i was thinking i have a better computation power
> then why dont i use it. I am going to buy a new hdd the coming
> weekend, so what iam gonna do is download both the 32 and 64 bit
> versions, take the old hdd out, put the new one in, install the 64 bit
> 1st , see if everythin works, graphics, sound, wifi, cam etc.....and
> then see how it goes, and then try to download the manufacturer's
> drivers, from my other desktop pc if anything doesn't works....
> If u have a better plan, shooot!
> regards,
> MH
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Gilles Gravier <gilles at gravier.org
> <mailto:gilles at gravier.org>> wrote:
>     Hi, Haseeb!
>     Haseeb ul Hasan wrote:
>     > I am basicallly trying to switch to Ubuntu, mainly because I am a
>     > little sick of windows :).
>     > Actually i bought Compaq Presario V6715EN (64 bit platform)
>     which came
>     > with Vista home edition, I have checked the website and the
>     problem i
>     > am facing is, i cant find any drivers in the compaq support section
>     > and its really hard to find 64 bit drivers for ubuntu.
>     >
>     > Its a really long drag to find all the manufacturer sites to dig
>     into
>     > them to find all the drivers for 64 bit platform of ubuntu. Does any
>     > one out there already have installed it on a 64 bit platform or
>     > especially on this laptop model. I hope it might auto load all the
>     > drivers (maybe have all ofém in its database).
>     >
>     > I really would appreciate if anyone knows a site which is a good
>     > driver search engine for ubuntu
>     First off, you probably don't need the 64 bit version of Ubuntu.
>     Unless
>     you are going to be driving several graphics cards with each more than
>     2GB of RAM, or doing weather computation (at global scale) or
>     seismic /
>     geographical computations. :)
>     So why not just try the 32 bit version of Ubuntu? And... drivers? Why
>     bother. :)
>     Seriously, just download the live CD in 32 bit mode, and boot from it.
>     From there you can check that graphics work, and networking and
>     audio...
>     If you are happy that everything works, then go ahead and install it
>     either next to Vista (resizing the Vista disk in the process, and
>     using
>     multi-boot) or over Vista replacing the old OS.
>     Gilles.
>     --
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/*Gilles Gravier*/ *=* *Gilles at Gravier.org* <mailto:Gilles at Gravier.org>
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"Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around
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