Online connection turtle-slow (Preston Kutzner)

Preston Kutzner shizzlecash at
Sun Jan 25 23:33:16 UTC 2009

On Jan 24, 2009, at 5:15 PM, Jim Kvarnberg wrote:

> On Jan 24, 2009, at 9:52 AM, Jim Kvarnberg wrote:
>>> When I clicked "online banking" in my bank website or some other
>>> places
>>> that require my login ID and password before I could open them, it
>>> took
>>> 'forever' to open them.  I got tired of staring at a mouse point  
>>> icon
>>> wheel going round and round for a long time.  I fed up and went
>>> across a
>>> room to my laptop computer with wireless connection (its OS is  
>>> Windows
>>> XP) to open the connection to the same places ... bingo they  
>>> opened up
>>> real fast, beating the Ubuntu 8.10 amd64 operated computer.  What  
>>> was
>>> wrong?  Any suggestion for solving the problem?  It will be
>>> appreciated.  Thank you.  Jim
>>> PS I want to stick to using the Ubuntu system.
> There are several things that might be causing the problem.  First, I
> assume you were using Firefox on the Ubuntu machine, but you didn't
>> Yes I am using Firefox and Thunderbird.  IE7 on the WinXP machine.
> mention which web browser you used on the Windows machine.  It is  
> possible that your bank's website only works in IE.
>> I could not understand why, but I had Ubuntu 7.10 on my machine and  
>> used Firefox webbrowser.  I had no problem, but now ??? after many  
>> updates and upgrades.  I had problem with Ubuntu 8.04 and thought  
>> maybe 8.10 would improve, but no it didn't.  Did I miss something?

Have you tried Opera on your Linux installation at all?  Also, another  
thing you could try, to see if it's something screwed-up with your  
firefox profile would be to temporarily move your .mozilla/firefox  
folder in your home directory to something else.  Do this with Firefox  
closed, of course.  I usually will do something like  
'mv .mozilla .mozilla.orig' This will force Firefox to create a new  
profile next time it is run.  Don't worry about your bookmarks or  
anything yet.  They won't be available in your new profile  
immediately, but you still have them in the old directory.

After you've had firefox create the new profile, try logging into your  
bank's site again.  If it works this time, something's wrong with your  
old Firefox profile.  At this point you can copy over your bookmarks.   
They'll be in a folder .mozilla.(old|orig)/firefox/ 
<profile_directory>, where <profile_directory> is a randomly-generated  
8-character alpha-numeric name with a '.' followed by the Firefox  
profile name (usually 'default').  Make sure Firefox is closed, copy  
the file to your new profile, restart Firefox, and your bookmarks  
should be there.

If a new Firefox profile *doesn't* fix the problem, you can simply  
remove the newly created .mozilla directory, then move  
your .mozilla.orig back to .mozilla  and everything will be back to  
how it was.
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