[ubuntu-users] NTFS buggy under Ubuntu

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 21:21:41 UTC 2009

Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct. wrote:
> I am now convinced that a hard drive formatted NTFS operating under the 
> Ubuntu OS is buggy by hanging because it cannot complete a critical 
> housekeeping operation.
    I assume the Ubuntu your talking about here is one you loaded into 
free space on a computer with Windows already running. This I know 
nothing about.
>  Not only that but the Ubuntu OS cannot restore 
> the ability in the bash shell to build a new directory.  The only way I 
> have found to deal with this inability is to shut down the Ubuntu system 
> and bring up the dual -booted XP system and then create a directory. 
    Where did the dual boot Ubuntu XP come from?

> Then I have to shut down the XP machine and boot up the Ubuntu machine 
> which thereafter is able to create directories on the NTFS hard drive.

    I have never tried to make a directory on a NTFS partition with 
Ubuntu. Not sure Ubuntu can do that yet.
> The exercise of shutting down has no purpose other than to create on the 
> dual-booted XP a new directory which can later be discarded on the 
> Ubuntu machine.
    Your talking about at least two computers and two versions of some 
Ubuntu and two versions of XP. Tell us what version of Ubuntu your 
working with.

>   In short, the NTFS  system operating under Ubuntu 
> periodically hangs as explained.
    Sorry I missed the point.
> Can someone fire off a bug report to the Ubuntu developers?
    Not until you say what version of Ubuntu and some other clarifications.

> It's been a while so I am now asking.  I want to take a currently 
> formatted NTFS hard drive and format it as ext3.
    Not a problem.

>   What provisions if any 
> are needed to ensure that XP machines can access the share(s) on the 
> newly formatted drive.
    XP cannot read a exp3 formatted partition.

> Also, what are the sequence of steps/commands or some template of such.  
> For example, I think I have to first dismount the hard drive to be 
> formatted, etc.
> And also I want to create partitions which I think has to be done prior 
> to the above formatting.
> No.
> Last, but not necessarily the right order, I want to add another 
> instance of Ubuntu on the existing dual boot arrangement of XP and 
> Ubuntu. This means that one of 3 boots would be possible (one XP, and 
> two Ubuntu -- the newest Ubuntu having a large partition for hibernation 
> purposes. Since this new Ubuntu will be on the above ext3 disk and there 
> are a total of 7 hard drives how do I identify and ensure that GRUB will 
> properly deal with it and if not what would be the boot up command line 
> that would force the boot (could I get an example?)
    When you load the last Ubuntu it will also install a Grub with all 
your stuff available. I think.

> Would a Knoppix live CD be of any value for any of the above efforts? I 
> can't believe I've forgotten so much and that so much has changed. It's 
> been over 10 years since I messed with command level activities like 
> this.  Too many automatic menu driven efforts make the mind go squashy.
    You need to read a good book on Ubuntu and XP.


> Thanks -- Ted


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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