How do I backup my email so that I can import it all back in at a later time if I need to?

Preston Kutzner shizzlecash at
Sun Jan 25 04:55:22 UTC 2009

On Jan 24, 2009, at 5:22 PM, Gregor GrĂ¼ner wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> Thunderbird stores the e-mails and profile settings in a special  
> directory under /home/user/.thunderbird/ or ~/.thunderbird  
> directory. All you have to do is backup this directory.

Newer versions of Thunderbird store mail under .mozilla-thunderbird in  
your home directory.  I would recommend regularly backing that  
directory up.  You could use tar + gzip (or bzip2) to keep the file  
size smaller.  Example:  'tar -zcf thunderbird_mail.tar.gz .mozilla- 
thunderbird' in your home directory.


>> Hi everyone:
>> I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 (Gnome desktop) with thunderbird Is
>> there a way to backup all  my mail and folders to be able to import  
>> them
>> back into thunderbird at a later time if needed say like to do a
>> re-install or if the computer runs a muck? Thanks.

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