Some thoughts about anti-virus software for Linux

Chris Rees utisoft at
Sat Jan 24 11:56:51 UTC 2009

2009/1/24 Tony Arnold <tony.arnold at>:
> Mario,
> Mario Vukelic wrote:
>> Yeah. "in theory" just as in theory if I knew the precise location and
>> momentum of every atom in the universe then I could use Newton's laws to
>> reveal the entire course of cosmic events, past and future ;)
> Sorry this is OT, but I got to thinking about this! I don't think your
> theory is possible.
> Firstly, Newton's laws are probably insufficient for these calculations.
> You probably need to take account of relativistic and quantum effects.

This is absolutely true. Knowing the exact location and momentum of
any particle is impossible (Heisenberg's Uncertianty Principle)

[error in position] * [error in momentum] >= [Planck's constant] / 4 * pi

Sorry, in theory you can't; there is no IF :P


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