CUPS and printer with dynamic DNS - possible?

Joep L. Blom jlblom at
Fri Jan 23 23:46:22 UTC 2009

Chris G wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:53:17PM -0500, Matthew Flaschen wrote:
>> Chris G wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 11:10:53AM -0600, Jason Crain wrote:
>>>> On Fri, January 23, 2009 10:52 am, Chris G wrote:
>>>>> Is it possible to use DHCP with a CUPS printer?
>>>>> I have an HP7310 and would like it to acquire its IP address using
>>>>> DHCP but then how to I configure CUPS to access the printer?  It seems
>>>>> that CUPS needs a fixed IP address to be able to specify the Device URI.
>>>> What is assigning IP addresses?  A router?  It may be possible to always
>>>> assign the same ip address based on mac address.  Or you can go to your
>>>> printer's configuration webpage and set it to use a static ip address.
>>> OK, so CUPS *can't* use a printer by name as opposed to IP address.
>> I don't think that's right.  CUPS can use hostname for at least SMB,
>> LPD, and IPP, per (s
>> well as personal experience as to SMB).  I'm not sure if it's the same
>> for all protocols.
> ... yes, OK, but the HP printer doesn't actually provide a hostname to
> the DHCP server when it starts up.  OK, I can configure dnsmasq to do
> it but I might just as well give the printe a static IP really.
> Not CUPS fault though I have to admit.
I use dnsmasq ( in a stand-alone memory-only system, running LEAF 
-firewall) with a Brother printer (MFC-440N) which can be connected 
either via USB to a local machine or directly to a network.
To make the connection Turn the printer on (it gets its network address 
form dnsmasq).
Install the printer using System->Administration->Printing, click "New 
Printer" and you will see the printer in a list on the left. CLick it 
and follow the instructions.
In Cups, add the printer (see the instructions for CUPS).
That's all.
If you want to know the networkname of the printer you can look it up in 
the file dnsmaque.leases which in my LEAF firewall can be foubd in 
/var/lib/misc/ but I don't know where it is found in other dustribiutions.
Hope this helps.

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