CUPS and printer with dynamic DNS - possible?

Loïc Grenié loic.grenie at
Fri Jan 23 17:45:41 UTC 2009

2009/1/23 Chris G <cl at>:
> On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 11:10:53AM -0600, Jason Crain wrote:
>> On Fri, January 23, 2009 10:52 am, Chris G wrote:
>> > Is it possible to use DHCP with a CUPS printer?
>> >
>> > I have an HP7310 and would like it to acquire its IP address using
>> > DHCP but then how to I configure CUPS to access the printer?  It seems
>> > that CUPS needs a fixed IP address to be able to specify the Device URI.
>> What is assigning IP addresses?  A router?  It may be possible to always
>> assign the same ip address based on mac address.  Or you can go to your
>> printer's configuration webpage and set it to use a static ip address.
> OK, so CUPS *can't* use a printer by name as opposed to IP address.

    My CUPS (debian testing, but it should not be too different from Ubuntu's)
  accepts DNS names. YMMV of course...


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