[AntiVirus + Ubuntu] was - Re: And another Ubuntu convert!

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 22 21:15:46 UTC 2009

On 01/22/2009 12:20 AM, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> NoOp, with all due respect, but ...
> On Wed, 2009-01-21 at 20:50 -0800, NoOp wrote:
>> Perhaps you fail to take into consideration the enviroment(s)?
> I don't know what you mean. I should maybe specify that I'm only talking
> about AV on desktops. Servers that serve for Windows clients should of
> course scan.

Keep in mind that it is quite easy to install a LAMP from a desktop,
install ssh, or any number of applications listed on
http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/ - even ClamAV:
So I guess that nothing is sacred...

>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus
> So? 
> "However, there are many reasons you might want a virus scanner on your
> Linux PC: 
>       * to scan a Windows drive in your PC 
>       * to scan Windows machines over a network 
>       * to scan files you are going to send to other people 
>       * to scan e-mail you are going to forward to other people 
>       * some Windows viruses can run with Wine. 
>       * Linux virus infections are theoretically possible"
> Note: they don't say that one of the reasons was to protect the linux
> machine from a real threat.

I suppose not. Perhaps I'm just overly cautious because of my 'test'
environment (I tend to install just about anything that comes up on the
list & work with Windows customers). However,

~$ cat /.klamav/database/main.inc/main.ndb |grep Linux



yields some pretty interesting results. The latter shows 117 results.
And no, I do not know what all of them are; Exploit.Linux.Lupii seems to
be the USN-147-1: PHP XMLRPC vulnerability -
http://www.ubuntulinux.org/usn/usn-147-1 - I've not bothered to look up

> 'Nuff said on this

Well said & agree.
We now return you to the Knapp success story :-)

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