PDF form question

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 22 20:51:04 UTC 2009

On 01/22/2009 06:41 AM, Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> I have a PDF file someone sent me.
> I opened it in Evince, and there's a text box with the text "Type text 
> here" to customize the poster.
> I click in the box, I enter text, and all seems fine.
> But if I save or print the form with my text, it prints out with the 
> original "Type text here" caption!
> Information on the file says it is made by InDesign CS3 (5.0.4), with no 
> encryption and no security, and is PDF version 1.4, optimized, created 
> with Adobe PDF Library 8.0.
> Anyone else see this before? Can it only be edited using a full-blown 
> Adobe editor like Acrobat or InDesign? As it stands it would be a pain 
> to have to hang the monitor on a wall with a REEEEAAAALY long monitor 
> cable to display the customized content...

I suspect that it's probably using Javascript/macro to modify the text.
If you don't mind, like Brian, I'll be happy to take a look at it if you
send it to me directly.

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