And another Ubuntu convert!

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Wed Jan 21 13:11:57 UTC 2009

Knapp wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Bart Silverstrim
> <bsilver at> wrote:
>> Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y) wrote:
>>> Gilles Gravier wrote:
>>>> I love it when people like what they get with Ubuntu!
>>> Amen!
>>> There should be a "ubuntu stories" somewhere on the official website ;-)
>>> (Anyway, technically impossible because of spam and lies risks...)
>> What of the stories that p$#$ on the parade, so to speak, like the story
>> I saw for the non-tech folk about a girl "forced to drop out of college"
>> because of Ubuntu on a Dell?
>> --
> Why would anyone that dumb be IN collage?

If I have a smiley in there can I point out an irony? :-)

As a's not that uncommon. College often works out to be 
little more than a means to an end...spend lots of money to get a paper 
to put on a resume' for another job. It's not because people want to learn.

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