Booting with Grub

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Wed Jan 21 02:51:44 UTC 2009

kirk abbott wrote:
> One of the things that I have been noticing lately, is that as I
> continue update from the original 8.04 configuration, more startup
> lines are showing up on grubs' boot list, with the most recent update
> at the top.

This is normal.

> And each update has two lines, plus two for the windows
> partition.

The second one is for a recovery boot using that kernel.
> Is there a reason for that? Do I really need each entry, or is there
> a way to get of redundant entries?

The latest kernel may in rare cases, break, in which case you'll need to
boot from an older one.  But you can remove any you don't want by
following the steps at

Matt Flaschen

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