skype for Linux UBUNTU

Giuseppe Fuggiano giuseppe.fuggiano at
Tue Jan 20 19:46:38 UTC 2009

2009/1/20 MISS R FALCON ROCA <rociofalconroca at>:
> HI, I have installed "skype-debian_2.0.0. 72-1_i386(2).deb", but I dont know how
> to open it so that I can use skype on my laptop... When I click on the icon, the
> package installer for skype comes up, but it is already installed... Is it free
> to use the ubuntu linux version of skype?

Basically, you shouldn't install applications using deb packages
directly because, in general, you could miss its dependencies and mess
up your Ubuntu installation (that's the Windows way ;).

Instead in Linux you have "repositories", which are servers that
contain a lot of deb packages for use with a package manager like
Synaptic or apt.

You hadn't find Skype in your default-enabled repositories because
Skype isn't Open Source, so it's not Free Software.  You should use a
third-party repository to install the non-free stuff (like Skype).

So, if you really want to install and use Skype, the cleanest way is
to include in your sources.list the Medibuntu repository where you
also can find other apps you should decide to use in the future.

The installation of such packages becomes very simple and clean.  You
haven't to think about what dependencies to install and if in the
future you'll decide to remove that application you haven't to
remember their names, because Synaptic or apt will remove them for

Giuseppe Fuggiano

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