ID eb1a:2861 eMPIA Technology, Inc.

Bill Richman bill at
Fri Jan 16 21:11:32 UTC 2009

Hello.  I've got a couple of USB video-capture dongles (marked Item No:
VC-211V Made in China on the outside) that use the 2861 chip.  I've used
Linux for quite a while, but I know only enough of the internal workings
to be dangerous. :-/  My friend (who is a very technical Linux user)
helped me get your em28xx driver loaded on a machine I'm trying to set
up as the "brains" for an Ubuntu-based robot using some software I'm
writing using the OpenCV libraries, but so far I'm not having much luck
getting video.  Mplayer just gives me a window with a blue or green
background when I tell it to play video from /dev/video0.  I think I've
read every web page Google finds with em28xx or em2861 on it.  Wondering
if anyone can offer any suggestions or help to get this to work.  What
information can I send that might be helpful in troubleshooting it?
I've attached the relevant output of lsusb, lsmod, and dmesg.  Help
would be appreciated!

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