Adding to the front of a line

Lorenzo Luengo lluengo at
Tue Jan 20 03:48:21 UTC 2009

Matthew Flaschen escribió:
> Ray Parrish wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've downloaded a text file of the new sites to block to avoid the 
>> conficker worm that is currently infecting Windows users, and would like 
>> to send it to my Windows using friends and family. However the file 
>> unfortunately has only the host names, one per line. I would like to add 
>> the and a space to the front of each line in the file before I 
>> send it out, so all they have to do is copy and paste it's contents to 
>> the end of their hosts files.
> There are many ways.  Here's one:
> while read site; do
> echo "$site"
> done < sites.txt > output_file.txt
> Matt Flaschen

I think the easiest is this

sed 's/^/ /' myfile > mynewfile

Lorenzo Luengo Contreras
Administrador de Sistemas DGEO
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción - Chile

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