Flash card or vocabulary trainer

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jan 19 21:39:46 UTC 2009

On 01/18/2009 09:03 PM, mark Pyles wrote:
> Hi everyone:
> I am using Ubuntu 8.04 (gnome desktop) on a dell inspiron 1525 desktop 
> and wanted to know if there was some type of flash card or vocabulary 
> trainer software available that I could use with Ubuntu 8.04. Thank you.
> Mark

Yes. I installed it on a computer that I gave away for Christmas for a
Filippino family. I can't recall exactly what the package was, but I
_think_ it was in the education-language package.


There was a bunch of language learning packages that I installed - but I
prepped the computer back in November, so can't recall everything that I
put on it.

Plus there is:
vocabulary trainer for KDE
KVocTrain is a little utility to help you train your vocabulary when
you are trying to learn a foreign language.  You can create your own
database with the words you need.  It is intended as a replacement
for index (flash) cards.

You probably remember flashcards from school.  The teacher would
write the original expression on the front side of the card and the
translation on the back.  Then look at the cards one after another.
If you knew the translation, you could put it away.  If you failed,
you put it back to try again.

KVocTrain is not intended to teach you grammar or other sophisticated
things.  This is and probably will stay beyond the scope of this

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