off topic but appropriate
Wade Smart
wadesmart at
Sun Jan 18 18:38:33 UTC 2009
tom arnall wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> This post is off topic, but please read it as I think you will consider it
> appropriate.
> First the question:
> Why do you use this maillist instead of the ubuntu users forum?
> I ask this question because I am working to organize a maillist for political
> discussion. You may ask, "There are hundreds of them already. Why add
> another?" The short answer is that for all practical purposes no one uses
> them, although people use political forums like extensively.
> Understanding this difference in participation is the next step in my
> project.
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> tom arnall
> arcata
20090118 1236 GMT-5
Im not sure this is appropriate as it has nothing to do with Ubuntu -
and this forum is not for general discussions - but I would venture to
say email is easier to follow for many because it comes as responses are
applied - whereas in a forum you have to keep checking each one you are
in. I use the ubuntu forums but not as much as I do the list. For me -
its easier.
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