Changing owner/file permissions SOLVED

Pat pat.mysterywriter at
Wed Jan 14 11:29:22 UTC 2009

Ken Rune Helland wrote:
> Pat wrote:
>> I have several files I copied over from another Ubuntu system. They are
>> locked and while I can copy them and create usuable files, I would like
>> to be able to change the files and their directory's owner to allow me
>> full access. Right now the owner is nobody and the group is nogroup. How
>> do I change that to be myself?
>> I tried chmod but I'm not sure of the syntax and all I get is an
>> 'Operation is not permitted' I've tried chown and chgrp and get the same
>> response. What am I missing? I know it's something simple, but I can't
>> figure out what command I need.
>> This is an example of what I see with ls -l
>> drwxr-xr-x  3 nobody  nogroup    4096 2009-01-12 20:40 Jazy
>> I want to change nobody and nogroup to my own id.
>> --
>> Pat Brown
> $ chown --help
> Usage: chown [OPTION]... [OWNER][:[GROUP]] FILE...
> propably need root perimsions so:
> $sudo chown user:group file
> should do it.
> Best regards
> KenR
> Yeah, thanks. That did it. I knew it was something simple.
> Pat Brown
> pat.mysterywriter at
> Now available from All Romance Ebooks and Mobibook, I Do!, an anthology of love and acceptance 

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